We apply a holistic approach, developing drainage solutions from planning stage through to construction. to developing all flooding and drainage solutions.
Assessing the impact of development on Flood Risk and the potential drainage requirements for a site is a key component to all planning applications to ensure the risk of flooding downstream is not increased. This should be considered at the early stages of a project to ensure appropriate space is provided at the right location to enable a scheme to efficiently manage surface water and Flood Risk.
Tumu Consulting also develop Drainage Strategies to demonstrate how surface water runoff can be sustainably managed within a development. On all schemes our design team works closely with the relevant Lead Local Flood Authority and adopting water authority to ensure all design proposals meet the relevant local requirements which can then be confidently taken forward to the detailed design stage.
Once planning has been granted Tumu Consulting develop the agreed drainage strategy by providing a detailed design service up to construction issue, and where required gain the required technical approvals (S104, S185, S106, etc).
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are a key requirement for all Lead Local Flood Authorities and should be included within all schemes. Careful consideration of SuDS within the masterplan at an early stage is essential to ensure a cost-effective solution is included which can enhance a development. Shoehorning these into a masterplan at a later stage could be detrimental to a development and lead to a more costly solution. Tumu Consulting collaborate closely with all parties to ensure an appropriate SuDS solution is developed for each scheme to meet their client’s vision.